FAQ Students

How long does the internship last?

The duration is variable and ranges from 6 weeks to one year.

Which countries can I go to for an internship?

IAESTE not only works in Europe, but there are more than 80 member countries where you can do your internship and live incredible experiences. You can check the member countries here.

How much is the internship remuneration?

All internships are paid. Such remuneration depends on the standard of living in the country and is provided to cover living expenses, which at a minimum will include lodging, meals and transportation.

How do I manage my arrival?

You will not be alone. As a general rule, IAESTE members from the country of destination will pick you up at the airport, and if you request it, they will find accommodation for you and accompany you to your place of work. You will be able to contact the Local Committee to answer any questions you may have once you have been accepted.

How much will the program cost me?

In case of being accepted for an internship, the processing of the documentation related to the internship has a cost of 220 € (320 € for centers not associated to the program) for the student.

What do I have to do to get an internship?

The basis of the program is to obtain an internship for a foreigner in your city in order to exchange it for another one obtained by a student in his or her country of origin under similar conditions.

The more companies you get in your city, the more people from your city will be able to go on an internship.

Each Local Committee establishes its own criteria to select the order in which members can access internships based on the work done for the association. Please contact them for more information.

How do I join?

If you are convinced by the program, do not hesitate to contact your Center or Local Committee via e-mail so that they can tell you the steps to follow.

How can I contact my center?

For any questions or comments, you can find the contacts of the centers and delegations here.

FAQ Companies

What is the duration of the internship?

The company determines the duration and period of the internship, with a minimum duration of 6 weeks and a maximum of 52 weeks (1 year).

Can we make a selection from among several students?

You don’t have to worry about finding the perfect student, you only have to define the profile that best suits the needs of the company. We will make that selection and introduce you to the student that best suits what you are looking for.

What parameters can we choose? / How do we choose the profile?

You can choose the student’s field of study as well as the student’s level, particular requirements (programming languages, required skills…) and language level. By filling in this form* you will find a detailed profile of the required profile.

What specialties are available?

There are currently almost 20 general disciplines and multiple fields of study, see them here*.

Does participation in the program have any cost for the company?

IAESTE acts as a mere intermediary, so the management has no cost.

The internship student will receive a minimum remuneration of 800 euros net per month from the company, so that he/she can cover his/her costs during the internship in our country. The company will be responsible for the expenses corresponding to social security and income tax.

What is the period for offering internships?

The company is free to choose the terms that suit them. However, the times with the highest volume of students available are in the summer and at the beginning of the year. However, the company is free to choose the terms that best suit its needs.

Is it possible to offer a contract to the student at the end of the internship?

This option is always open to negotiation between the company and the student.

Of course. This option will be subject to the company’s negotiation with the student and will follow the conventional hiring procedure (outside the scope of IAESTE).

FAQ Universities

What is the process to become a collaborating member of IAESTE?

To become a member center, the basic registration data must be completed and the annual center fee must be paid. This information requires a responsible teacher and a center delegate, who will be the student in charge of coordinating the center’s activity.

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Which countries usually host interns? What type of companies?

IAESTE is not an association that is restricted to Europe, and although some countries such as Germany, Switzerland or Poland are quite frequent for internships, there are also other types of experiences such as India, Brazil, Thailand and many others (link to member countries). There is no specific type of companies that grant internships, as the possibilities are very wide, and there are even internships in other universities.

Is my Center required to receive exchange students in order to participate?

The entities offering the internships are responsible for guaranteeing the position to the students who come to Spain. However, there is also the possibility that the university can support the program by being a member center and hosting international students for an internship.

Will the students stay with the company where they do their internship?

Depending on their performance in the position, the company may offer them a contract at the end of the internship.

Is there any type of insurance to ensure the safety of students abroad?

For any internship with IAESTE it is necessary for the student to take out insurance. For this type of internship we recommend Swisscare partners.

How are internships awarded?

The nomination procedure is detailed in IAESTE’s internal regulations and any person from the center who meets the requirements may apply for an internship.